1. Teams should have 10 players. Teams can play with 8 or 9 players. The team must play, short in the field but there is no automatic out will be given. If a team only has 8 players, the opposing team must supply a catcher for the sole purpose to throw balls back to the pitcher (pitcher or another player must make all other plays at home). Visiting Team can start with 7 Players as long as the 8th Player is at the park or on the way but the 8th Player must be able to be dressed and ready to take his turn at bat and/or be ready to take the field with his team in the bottom of the inning. Failure to do this will result in a Default.   

2. If a team only has 7 or less players, they will default the game.

3. If a team defaults, it is scored as a 7-0 score and the defaulted team loses and a $75 fine is charged.

4. Ten (10) minute grace allowed from official start time. (10 min. is inc/ in start time). If team is fit for action from 11-20 minutes after original scheduled time they will be down 5-0 to start the game as penalization. 

5. All players must be in uniform, only official TBL jerseys and hats must be worn. If team fails to comply with these measures they will be charged $50 for every player not in uniform. (STRICT POLICY) 

6. All games will be 7 innings or 1 hour and 15 minute time limit. If tied after regulation time, the game remains a TIE. If tied after 7 innings and there is time remaining, then the teams will play until there is a winner or until time permits. All games will be called off at 1 hour 25 minute mark, the score at that point of the game will be the FINAL. 

7. Bases will be set at 65 feet from home. 

8. All counts start a 1-1, if a team takes more than 60 seconds to take the field the offensive team will start the count for the first batter 2-1. 

9. No sliding or diving at home or first base. (You can slide or dive at 2nd or 3rd). Once the batter has legally obtained 1st base he can slide going back to 1st base but he must touch white. Any runner who touches the white bag at first when running through will be OUT. 

10. MERCY RULE: 15 runs after 5 innings or 4 ½ if home team is winning. (Home team must bat in the bottom of the inning if being mercied).

11. ANTICIPATION will NOT be allowed. (Once a pitched ball has made contact with the bat , you may leave the base). If you leave the base before, you will be called out for a LEADOFF. (No pitch is declared, ball is dead, runner is out).

12. No BUNTING. No CHOPPED BALLS. A chopped ball is a batted ball whereby the batter swings the bat downward with a chopping motion with intent. If this is done the batter with automatically called out and all runners must go back to the base held prior to play.

13. You can Bat everyone in the line-up (18 max) or you can Substitute them using the SPN Re-Entry Rule. You can’t add anyone to your line-up once your team has batted through the order, you must substitute them in the game using the re-entry rule, unless they are your 9th or 10th Player. Your 9th or 10th Player can be added to the bottom of the order up to the Bottom of the 5th inning. Once the 6th inning starts no one can be added to the order. You must substitute them in the game using the SPN re-entry rule.

14. If any ball goes through the home run fence they will be awarded two bases from whatever base they touched last. Balls thrown out of play from the infield will result in one base from the last touched base for the runner. 

15. Home Plate will be a  mat 24 inches by 36 inches (2X3). All rules apply.

16. All players must complete the waiver to participate, if not complete they will NOT be able to play under any circumstance. 

17. No Fake Tags or Fake Cuts, Metal spikes or Intent to Injure, players may be ejected or given a warning.

18. All regular strike, balls, illegal pitches, etc.. will be taken from SPN Official Rule Book, if you foul your third strike off, you will be called out.

19. COMMIT LINE will be used. All commit line rules will apply. If the catcher or any defensive player catches the ball while in contact of the board/mat before the runner has touched or crossed the scoring line then the runner will be out. NO TAGGING runners between the commit and scoring lines, if this is done runner is automatically called SAFE. Runners can, not touch mat, if they do, they will be called out. If you touch the scoring line you are considered safe but foot must be down. Once you touch or pass commit line you can not return to 3rd base.

20. Three (3) courtesy runners per game. (Any one in line-up, same person can run more than once).

21. Six per inning Rule. (Except – last and extra innings are Open)

22. If a game is called due to poor field conditions, power failure or otherwise, the game will be replayed. If the game was called after 4 complete innings or 3 ½ if the Home team was winning than it is considered a complete game. If the Home Team was batting when the game was called and they were winning or the game was tied, then the Score will be Official. If the Visiting Team did not complete there ½ of the inning or if the Home Team was losing and did not complete there ½ of the inning when the game was called, then you must revert back to the previous inning and that will be the Official Score. In Playoffs, games may be suspended and played at a later date due to lights going out, etc... Any suspended game will start exactly where the game was suspended. Rained Out games will not be a suspended game. If 4 innings were not completed  (or 3 1/2 if Home Team was winning), then the whole game must be re-played. If 4 innings were completed (3 1/2 if Home Team was Winning) then the game can not be a suspended game and will be Official. League Executive will decide if a game is suspended or cancelled and re-played from the start. In Playoffs if the last game is running late the umpire may decide to go to a 1-1 count. They may also decide to only play 4 or 5 innings depending on time constraints. Same rules apply in Playoffs if 4 innings were completed (3 1/2 if home team was winning) then it is considered a complete game, even in Finals.

23. The League will be using the ASA Legal bat list as well as the USSSA 2012-16 legal bat list. In order for the bat to be legal it must not be on the ASA/SPN banned bat list and must have either the ASA 2000 or 2004 watermark or USSSA thump print watermark. A list will be given to the coaches and you can also check the SPN website for the list as well. Any one that comes up to bat with an illegal bat may be called out.Umpire may give a waring under certain situations. The Opposing Team also has the right to appeal a play if anyone comes up to bat with an illegal bat. If they appeal before a pitch to the next batter and are right. Batter is out and all runners go back to the base they held prior to pitch. If this happens twice in a game or happens after the umpire has thrown a bat out of the game the Batter and Coach will be ejected and possibly suspended. If someone is caught will an altered, shaved or juiced bat they will be an Out, Ejected and Suspended for 3 Years.

24. Pitchers rubber will be 55 feet from home plate but pitchers have an option to pitch anywhere they want from 55-70 feet and 2 feet from either side of the rubber. Umpire will decide where the distance is and mark a line if he wishes. Umpire Decision will be Final.

25. If a Player in the batting order can not continue to bat, due to injury, ejection or otherwise and you have no substitutes, they will be an automatic out (except for Rule #26).

 26. NOTICEABLE INJURY: If a player gets a noticeable injury (broken leg, etc.) the coach may ask the umpire if they can remove the player from the line-up due to noticeable injury, if one of them agree than the player is removed from the line-up and no automatic out is given.  (You must still always follow Rule #24 and never bat more than 2 Guys in a Row).

27. A player may only change a defensive position, once an inning. (pitcher's excluded)

28. All outfielders must start on the grass, no outfielders allowed in infield including rover. 

29. Touching Home, The ONLY time runners will be able to touch home plate is when they hit a home run over the fence. (Runners and player who hit home run will all be able to touch home) 

30. We will be using the Old SPN Batters Box rule. Batter’s Box shall be 7 feet long, extending 4 feet forward and 3 feet back of the board. The Batter’s Box shall be 3 feet in width, forming a rectangle of 7 feet by 3 feet. Anyone that has a whole foot out of the Batter’s Box or a whole foot in front of the Board when they make contact with the ball will be called out. Anyone that makes contact with the mat when they make contact with the ball will be called out. All Runners will go back to the legally held base prior to the pitch.

31. Any player ejected from a game will automatically be suspended from his next game.

32.  If there is a tie in the Standings, the following Tiebreaker Formula will be used:

1) Wins

2) Head to Head
if 2 Teams are tied than the Team that had the winning record when they played each other would be placed highest in the Standings.
if they split the games between each other than go to #3 tiebreaker (F-A Differential or the whole season).

if 3 or more Teams are tied and one Team had a winning record against all tied Teams, that team will automatically be placed highest in the Standings of the tied teams. If one Team had a losing record against all tied Teams, that Team will be placed lowest in the Standings of all tied Teams. If all Tied Teams split the games between each other than go to #3 tiebreaker (F-A Differential for the whole season).

3) F-A Differential (whole season)

4) F-A Differential (between all Teams Tied)

5) Least Runs against (whole season)

6) Most Runs for (whole season)

7) Flip of a coin

33. In order to be eligible for Playoffs, you must have played 8 Regular Season Games. You are allowed two players with less than 8 games but they must have played at least 3 Regular Season Games but you must designate who these players are before the Playoffs begin. If a game is cancelled and not replayed all players on the roster will get credit with a game played. If a game is started but called because of rain, poor field conditions, darkness or otherwise, only players present at the park and listed on line-up card will get a game played. If a game is forfeited at the diamond or if the game was forfeited ahead of time then all players on the Winning Team's Roster will get credited for a game played for Playoff Eligibility. No players on the Defaulting Team will get credited for a game played for Playoff Eligibility.

34.  Games are played Rain or Shine. Umpire has final decision on all Field conditions.

35. If team has dispute with umpire, the player with the captain arm band will be able to talk to umpire directly. If multiple players are involved this can result in ejection and suspension. 

36. Only official TBL softballs will be used in game play. 

37. No player can be added to batting line up after the completion of the 2nd inning (before the first pitch of 3rd inning) 

38. A 4 home run differential is in effect. Exceeding the limit is an OUT. 

39. A Win is two points, Tied games are one point, a Loss is zero points.

40. Managers are responsible for throwing away all litter/garbage in and around the dugout at the end of each game. Failure to do so will result in a $75 fine. Stat keepers will note which teams are responsible 


Yusuf R., #96
Anees D., #99
Shahid J., #19
Jalil S., #98
Razaq M., #99